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Basket and Wild Flowers



Camping, community, movement, music, herbal wisdom, wildcrafting, breast-care, womb care, singing, storytelling, ceremony, nourishment, connection, ancestral skills, weaving handiwork, death & dandelions, empowerment, philosophy, laughter, tears, heart-space, gratitude,  intimate gathering in North Idaho up in the panhandle close to B.C. on 40 acres backed up to thousands of acres of forest land.

4 days of beauty

camping, classes, meals, restoration

***work exchange & barter available***

A Bit About WWWW


Wild Wombyn's Wise Ways is a gathering in the ancient tradition of wombyn around the world.  From time immemorial wombyn have come together (sometimes in secret, sometimes openly) to share~our stories, our hearts, our ceremonies, our strengths and our sorrows.  To weep and to laugh uproariously until our balance returns.  We meet to learn, to grow, to comfort, to find understanding and power as a creatrix.  Working collectively & individually to heal ourselves and our broken world. 

The intention of Wild Wombyns Wise Ways gathering is to inspire and Empower.

sacred offerings

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Julianne Edwards

Julianne has been a movement practitioner, teacher & student for the past 15 years

Weaving stories through and with my my favorite language

a/yogi, mother, mystic, storyteller, soul dancer 

seeker of depth & the underpinnings of all things and people 

a/playful child & wise woman 

Movement has been my guide while traversing the spectrum between 

Joy and Grief, and back again … again...and again 

/movement/...awakens my spirit ...activates my sensuality...births truer, more authentic versions of myself 

dissolves hooks of attachment & has cradled me through swells of grief & heart wrenching loss 

has brought me into frequencies where I attract relationships rooted in Heart and Love and Play 

it has offered me forgiveness for the pain I have inflicted ...

and a shift in perspective when I have felt victimized 

It supports me in continuing to develop fierce boundaries by excavating my core “yes” and “no” 

I am deeply honored to be invited to share & am excited to connect with all of your hearts and wild ways.

Meg Evans

Hiiiiii, I’m Meg. I’m a dreamer, dancer, student, teacher, earth celebrant, and devoted spirit follower. The last 14 years of my life have been dedicated to deepening my relationship to body and to earth. 


 I have spent 8 years facilitating explorative back country outings via wilderness therapy, experiential schools, wilderness awareness schools, and independent guided retreats. I have facilitated countless circles around the light of friction fire and delight in participating in open, non-judgmental, and –most of all— loving spaces for us to come together in remembering our human-ness. 


As a trauma survivor and purity culture escapee- land based skills, along with dance, has been my most trusted pathway to healing. 


I bow in deep gratitude to the land, the ancestors, and those who keep traditional knowledge alive. It is a great honor to share what I have learned.


I look forward to gathering with you all and facilitating friction fire exploration 🔥

Mary Schmidt

Transformative Herbalism


Mary Schmidt’s retirement has opened up more space for exploration into “wilding” for this already somewhat unconventional thinking woman. With plants and herbalism as a platform, she can dive into fun, spiritual, and energetically expansive ideas to connect us to the wild, wonderful, natural world we all live in. Together let’s create and explore our relationships to each other, the plants, and ourselves.

Doctrine of Signatures & Plant Walk

The habitat, the color, the markings, the sent, the entire plant has a 'signature' for what it is good for. Come & learn what the plants have to say.

Larisa Noonan

Are your grandmothers calling?

As women living in a culture dramatically lacking in meaningful rituals that celebrate and usher us through major life transitions (menarche, child-birth, menopause, just to name three), we have the opportunity to begin to remember and reweave the ceremonies, rites of passages, and rituals that in ancient times supported women through each stage of their lives. One of the most powerful ways to regain these lost ways is through direct connection with our ancient, loving grandmothers, those who lived in a time when ceremonies such as these were woven into the fabric of their daily lives.


Join me in a ritual-workshop and connect with a loving, wise grandmother (yes, you do have them and yes, they want to connect with you) who can support you in every phase of your life. I'll offer a foundation for safe and effective ritual and then you will have the opportunity to meet one of your ancient grandmothers. We'll also talk about ways to tend this relationship moving forward.


Larisa Noonan is an ancestral healer, shadow worker, and ritualist supporting witchy healers in creating Spirit-Guided businesses. She's passionate about reviving ancient rituals to support 'modern' humans, rites of passages, and becoming ever more the messy, glorious human she is (and celebrating others in doing the same).

Lise Takashina

L.Ac., C-DAOM, MTCM - Acupuncturist | Herbalist | Healing Facilitator

Lise's treatment philosophy stems from her belief in mind-body-soul-connection inherent in the practice of Chinese Medicine and health and longevity techniques and exercises.  Lise integrates this approach to encourage patients to awaken and balance the connections between the three treasures: JingQi, and Shen on the path towards manifesting true health and vibrancy.  

We will explore womens' health through the lens of Chinese Medicine. Lise will introduce the Chinese Medicine perspective on womens' physiology, menstruation, conception, fertility, pregnancy, menopause, and beyond. Lise will demonstrate making a granular formula Xiao Yao San, a ubiquitous formula well known to support womens' health and vitality.

Truth Hefferton

Truth Hefferton is a lifelong learner and an independent researcher who is passionate about empowering people to think for themselves and think deeply. She is informed by 37 years of studying nature, consciousness, ethics, and philosophy. Fiercely apolitical, she is excited to dive into the two fascinating topics of radical feminism and transgender ideology. She believes that through using consciousness raising techniques and the Socratic method, we can expand our understanding of the world today and make choices that get us closer to being able to live happy and healthy lives. 

Heidi Hampe

This has been a vision that I have had since I moved to North Idaho.  I was a part of the Northern California Womens Herbal Symposium for many years.  I was deeply impacted by the sisterhood that I experienced at this gathering and missed it very much when I moved north and did not see anything like that happening in this area.   I hope that we can have this gathering every year, on Labor day weekend.  Our land is very special, it has powerful energy and loves to be fed with song, ceremony, dance, laughter, music and cleansing tears....I feel blessed to be able to call this land my home.  My wish is for all to leave this gathering more nourished than when they arrived.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me, I am here to support you in any way that I can. 

Kirsten Longmeier

For over 15 years, Kirsten has been leaning into the edges of modern society, finding deep nourishment in learning old world craft and living closer to the cycles of the year. From primitive skills to modern homesteading, she has found her calling here. 

She raises a flock of Icelandic sheep with her husband and two children in Priest River, ID. Her interests span widely;  bark-tanning, food preservation, felting, spinning, gardening, and basketry. By constantly learning to make things and grow things, she seeks how to live a more gentle and aligned  life on this Earth.

Hilary Petterson

Hilary is the founder, director and lead teacher of Earth Keepers, a school for nature education through creative arts in Sandpoint, ID.  She has dedicated her life thus far to being an Earth Keeper herself and a carrier of the ancestral skills we all share as humans. 


Hilary pursues a life track that weaves together nature connection, art, music and people. She is a singer/songwriter who has spent over a decade performing in several folk and bluegrass bands. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities and Sociology from Northern Arizona University and has studied primitive living and wilderness survival skills from nationally acclaimed instructors.

She has traveled all over the country teaching traditional living skills and operating her own nature-connection programs for children. She also holds a certification in Wild Foraging from the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine

Cindy Santi

wise woman Elder communing with nature. Has been  teaching  the internal world of Human Development for 50 years. She resides in North Idaho on 10 acres .


BECOMING THE FLUTE . Spirits instrument,

You will learn 

The voice of the soul

The voice of Ego.

Chakra balance

We will explore

Is the Soul Optional

How do you build one

Spirit vs Soul

Feelings vs Emotions

Out Magnetic Electrical  field

Co creating with the Unified field


The keys to becoming a 

Master of the mind

Healer of Emotion

You will have the roadmap of Becoming

Look forward to your participation on this Journey


She is an apocalyptic Viking Warrior Princess MadMax cavewoman wild tending big game hunter, a braintanning butcher biker babe magician, a roadkill connoisseur truck-steader with your great grandma’s passion for food preservation.  She is a founding member of the Buffalo Bridge Project, hosts a Magickal Women's Hunting Camp, and now runs a folkschool in Washington state, helping folks reclaim their ancestral traditions and learn how to tend the thresholds of life and death.


Heart's Blood - An Ancestrally informed, Animistically principled, Woman-led approach to DIY hoof to table animal slaughter


Many folks practice harvesting their own animals for food, but many of the Older ways of using every part of the animal have been intentionally destroyed by dominant culture.  Every life given is an immense basket of gifts, and how we are with these gifts is how we honor the animal.  How did our own ancestors use bladders, or hooves, or eyeballs?  How can we connect with them, the animals, the plants, and the land, in a way that nourishes reciprocity and caregiving?


This workshop is a marriage of the practical, material skills of ethical animal slaughter, and the deeper, magickal explorations of how to be in service to those that die so that we can live.


I am owner of New Flower herb. I’ve been farming and producing herbal medicines in Sandpoint, Idaho since 2020. Prior to this I worked in a herbal tea farm on Kauai. I have a deep love for plants and their magic and healing qualities.  My exploration in plants is not specific to the area I live in, so I’ve cultivated a deep love for plants grown all over the world.  This lead me to study Cha Dao, with Wu De, and cultivate a tea practice with camellia sinensis grown in the birthplace of tea, China.  I believe the plants tell stories of culture, place and connection between humans and nature.  Learning plants is like learning people, they can help us broaden our perspective to love more and find common ground and this is why my livelihood is sharing plants. 

The endless Ways of Brewing: A workshop on tea and tisanes

This comprehensive workshop will explore the many ways one can incorporate tea and herbal tea into your daily life. We will explore the difference between tea and herbal tea, their many uses and benefits, along with various brewing methods and preferred tea ware. This workshop will also discuss the age old ceremonies associated with Tea and the benefits of a mindful tea practice. Farm direct herbal tea will be served, so bring a cup to enjoy the magic of herbal tea.

Cha Dao Tea Ceremony

Emerse yourself in the magnificence of the present moment with a silent tea meditation based on  The Way of Tea « Cha Dao ». This practice has been used by Buddhist monk for centuries as a tool to awaken mindfulness and equanimity. 

Ali McWeeny

Ali is a multidisciplinary breathwork practitioner, hypnotherapist, herbalist, and permaculture designer from the Pacific Northwest. Ali's offerings tend and dissolve stagnation, tension and suffering and ignites energy, creativity, awareness, adaptability, empowerment, and aliveness. Living with limbloss as an amputee, Ali has triumphed over greater challenges and experienced miracles. You can catch Ali harvesting roadkill, consciously wild co-stewarding 2 children (5yo and 7yo), tending food forests, scraping hides, chopping wood, shooting arrows, and traveling the world to share the gifts of breathwork. Former elite competitive athlete, a coach of peak performance, teacher of body, mind, and spiritual health, a full-time parent, and an emerging guide of immersive transformation. 

Ali holds a principle-based approach to transformation that opens accessibility to all folks and all beliefs. Facilitating transformation in person and online, individually and groups, retreats, intensive trainings and immersive integration to bring these healthful ways into everyday life.
WWWW Offerings include Rising Breathwork, The ART of Breath, Breathing for Healing, and the Breath Tools for Surthrival. Rising Breathwork is a daily early morning 60 minute guided breath session to regulate the nervous system and begin the day in an elevated and embodied way. The others are 2 hour classes with direct practice woven with theory and connection to how, why and when to incorporate these breath tools into your life and lifestyle. No experience required and all skill levels and abilities are welcome. Contraindications: if you feel your physical or mental health may be a questionable challenge for these offerings, write to Ali with your specific concerns to connect in meeting your unique needs to include you!

“There is no one way to be, there is no one way to breathe”

Yvonne Heitz

Ayurvedic Practitoner, LMT

Yvonne has been involved in Ayurvedic healing for over 20 years. As a young woman, she started her Ayurvedic studies at California College of Ayurveda and has since expanded her work into massage therapy, Ayurvedic Herbalism, Vedantic Philosophy and Yoga.  She earned her Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner license from Kerala Ayurveda Academy and was blessed with the opportunity to study under the guidance of multiple Indian Ayurvedic Doctors. Over the years, she has provided Ayurvedic Wellness Consultations to friends, family and clients, studied and taught Ayurvedic Yoga, Restorative yoga, Prenatal and Postpartum yoga, and run a massage practice specializing in Ortho-Bionomy, Ayurvedic massage and Ayurvedic Panchkarma techniques (ancient cleansing techniques to bring rejuvenation and restore health). Yvonne is the mother of 4 boys and enjoys using ayurvedic health principals and traditional ayurvedic herbal formulations to maintain her own health and that of her family and clients. She will be teaching and sharing ayurvedic wisdom about the natural cycles in a woman’s life focusing on balancing the menstruation cycle and encouraging a healthy transition into menopause.

Katherine Spann

is a clinical herbalist, doula and teacher, offering private consultations and monthly group classes. Her work focuses on alignment with more truthful ways of living through the three-way relationship between the Creator, the creation, and the individual. She contextualises rigorous examination of the creation, philosophy and theology with direct individual experience; observing with clarity what things are, and what they mean.
She teaches how to truthfully encounter the spiritual reality of this world, honest observance of the physical and metaphysical, self-directed study, and contemplation. The spiritual human is resilient, adaptable, and graceful.
Katherine has lived and travelled widely in Britain, Europe, Russia, and the Americas asking, “What actually is the authentic human way?” She holds both a Master of Arts (MA), and a Master of Sciences by Research (MScR), from the University of Edinburgh, and a Diploma in Herbology (D.Herb) from the Royal Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh. She formerly worked as a translator in English, Russian, French and Latin. Katherine currently lives in North Idaho

Breast Health Class on Sunday 10am-12pm:
In this 2 hour class we will study the anatomy and physiology of female breasts and their connection to overall health, learn home diagnostic tools for self examination, and make a healing breast salve to take home for self massage.

Jessica Spurr

Jessica is an Inland Northwest mom, herbalist, permaculturist; a student of Nature, vitalism and the eclectics. From my own trial and error I will share with you the knowledge and wisdom that the plants have shared with me, the experiences of my own body and the bodies of clients. I love to teach, to learn and above all I am in continual awe of the plants and their inspiring ways.

Mindy Thacker, MA, R-DMT
Dance Movement Therapist

Mindy discovered the transformative power of movement while living in Southeast Asia and has shared movement, meditation, and mindfulness practices with adults and children for the past 17 years. Mindy's offerings create a space to connect and integrate body, mind, and spirit. Her classes are intentional gatherings that blend ⁓ Sound and Silence ⁓ Movement and Stillness ⁓ Breath and Belonging. Her longtime love of movement and interest in how we attune and regulate through our connections led her to study dance/movement therapy, which emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and emotions. Mindy will be sharing her recent graduate thesis research exploring the history and cultural roots of circles, highlighting the role of belonging and our social engagement system in group processes.

I look forward to gathering with you all to explore the Power of Circle and the profound healing that can arise from connecting in community.

Elissabeth DeFreitas - 
Music Intuitive, Composer, Healing Facilitator, Spiritual Seeker, Vibrational Alchemist-partnering with crystal singing bowls, Celtic harp, Native American flute, drum and Peruvian Whistling Vessels
Elissabeth didn’t study at Julliard –or any other traditional academy of music. She simply walked into a music store over 25 years ago, found herself immediately and inexplicably attracted to a harp, sat down at it and began to play.  What ensued can best be termed ‘an awakening”.  Within two years, she partnered with her Celtic harp in a spirit-driven ministry. The soothing sound they co-create isn’t song, but soul, the whispered voice of eternal Light.  Elissabeth doesn’t perform; she doesn’t consider herself an entertainer.  She is the open vessel, her harp the vehicle, through which healing vibrations bring comfort and renewal, often to the ill and dying –populations she regularly serves. Regular offerings of music and vibrational meditations are available on my website: and my utube channel: heartsoundsbyelissabeth

Christal Carter FNP

Christal will be onsite during the entire event for emergencies. Christal is a Nurse Practitioner who practices Primary Care and Integrative Medicine in San Antonio, Texas. She has 14 years of combined nursing experience over an array of specialties, including step-down critical care, orthopedics, post-surgical, cardiology, ER, and primary care. During her experiences in the hospital as an RN working with high acuity level patients, she knew there was a better way to health care.  Wanting to make an impact, she moved on to preventative/wellness care, seeing patients in the outpatient setting to prevent the progression of disease she was seeing in the hospital. Her passion for Wellness and Integrative Medicine grew, and she wanted to further her education to better serve patients. She completed a 2-year fellowship through the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine.  While working in clinic, it is not unusual for her to recommend yoga, meditation, botanicals, supplementation, body work, and individually tailored diet and exercise plans, all while managing the Western Medicine needs of the patients she serves. She likes to meet patients where they are on their healing journey, her goal is to guide and empower them to achieve their best possible outcome, and become a guiding light to bring Holistic Care in the Primary Care setting.




The gate will open at noon

Opening Circle: 3pm 

Classtime: 4pm Breath Tools for Surthrival with Ali Mc Weeny@ Wise Ways Grove

Dinner 6pm:::::::: // instructor sharing @ Overlook

"Fire" Circle // Songs // Sharing


Breathing / Movement : 7am Julianne Edwards OR  Ali

                              8am Tea Ceremony w/ Devjeet

                                               (space limited, sign up at registration) 

Classtime: 9am Plant Walk with Mary Schmidt

                  9am Woven Sheath for your knife w/

                          Hillary Petterson

Classtime: 10am:  TRUTH Hefferton

Lunch: 12:30 ( Facilitators meet for a lunch circle)

Classtime: 1:30pm: Wombyns Health thru the eyes of Ayurveda w/                                          Yvonne Heitz

Classtime: 2:30pm: Felted Iceland Sheep Wool Bags w/

                                 Kirstin Longmeier

                                   (space limited, sign up at registration) 

Classstime: 4:30pm: Wombyns health thru the eyes of TCM w/ 

                                  Lise Takashina

Dinner : 6pm

"Fire Circle // Music // Songs  with Hillary// Sharing


Breathing / Movement : 7am w/  Julianne OR  Ali

                                         8am Tea Ceremony w/ Devjeet

                                          (space limited, sign up at registration) 

Classtime: 9am :Felted Iceland Sheep Wool Bags w/

                            Kirstin LongmeiER

                            (space limited, sign up at registration)                  

                  9am: Personal Tin Altars w/ TRUTH

Lunch : 12:30 

Marketplace & Open Forum : 1-4 pm

Classtime: 4pm Plant Spirit Medicine Journey w/ Mary Schmidt

                   5pm Needle felting your wool bag that you made

Dinner : 6pm

****Talent Show**** Time to share whatever you feel that is flowing from your heart...poetry, stories, songs, dance, movement, stand up!, etc. 


Breathing / Movement : 7am w/  Julianne OR  Ali

                                         8am Tea Ceremony w/ Devjeet

​                                         (space limited, sign up at registration) 

Classtime: 9am: Intro to Radical Feminism~

                            Inviting a deeper look w/ TRUTH

                  10am: Breast Health/Salve making w/

                             Katherine Spann

Lunch: 12:30

Classtime: 1:30pm: All about Teas w/ Devjeet

                   2:30pm: Tea Ceremony w/ Devjeet

                                  (space limited, sign up at registration) 

                   2:30pm: Womens Support Herbs/ Tincture making w/                                             Jessica Spur

Classtime: 4:30pm Cindy Santi

6pm: Dinner with Death & Dandelions w/ Heidi Hampe

After Dinner:

Ceremonial Circle: Power of a Circle.... to honor & support Wombyns Sovereign circles...guided by Mindy Thacker


Breathing / Movement : 7am w/  Julianne OR  Ali

​                                         8 am: Tea Ceremony w/ Devjeet

                                          (space limited, sign up at registration) 

Classtime: 9:30am Intensive with Larisa Noonan

Lunch: 1pm

Closing Circle: 2pm "Wombifesting your dreams coming true"

Blue Skies

 “The old one, the One Who Knows, is within us.  She thrives in the deepest soul-psyche of women, the ancient and vital wild Self. Her home is that place in time where the spirit of women and the spirit of wolf meet- the place where the mind and instincts mingle, where a woman’s deep life funds her mundane life. It is the point where the I and the Thou kiss, the place where, in all spirit, women run with the wolves.”

                            -Clarissa Pinkola Estes-

Star Cluster
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